
The area that distinguishes our company and our designers, is participation in port development, in particular the design of complex industrial terminals in ports, design of individual port structures, particularly coastal structures. We would like to undergo the extensive knowledge in the design of management of sea traffic and port engineeering problems, as well as in the area of geomechanics and foundation in very poor soil conditions. The knowledge of our designers is also a perfect base for making environmental reports on the effects of complex port terminals or individual coastal structures as well as other industrial and energy plants on the environment.


  • Environmental engineering and environmental consultancy, making of integrated environmental impact reports, safety analysis and safety reports, Environmental Impact assessment (EIA) and risk assessment, waste management plan.
  • Process engineering and technology consultancy, preparation of projects for tender, review of documentation and evaluation of project costs, preparation of main and final designs, in particular for projects of planning port transhipment technology, infrastructure and equipment, designs of installations for the storage of alcohol and petroleum products (tanks), along with handling systems, streaming systems, fire protection, and systems for management and supervision.
  • Marine engineering, consulting and construction concepts, designing of marine and aquatic structures (jetties, shore), silos, tanks: preliminary design, design to tender, main design, final design, static controls.
  • Foundation Engineering and Soil Mechanic problems, design of foundations of complex constructions, mainly in ports (piled construction) , design of excavation and land reclamation works, soil improvement design, all in very weak soil conditio.


As already mentioned our designers distinguished professional qualification, they all are certified engineers at Slovenian Chamber of Engineers, with many years of practice, as well as they are committed to work and awared of conservation and environmental protection. The excellence and professionalism of our designers is confirmed by the confidence of our prominent customers (subscribers), as demonstrated by the company references, as well as written articles and publications published in academic and scientific journals (publications).

Staff composition:

Blaž Velkavrh, univ.dipl.inž.grad.

Blaž Velkavrh began his professional career as an intern in the Maritime Sector at the Water Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. In 2016, he joined OPI Inter as a certified designer and project manager.